Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Belated Birthday Hautties

I just wanted to share some Hautties I made for a friend's birthday recently.

I decided to go with hot pink and dark purple/black because I thought they would bring out the bright colors of the sprinkles.

Tell me what you think :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Fudge Crinkles

Did you ever think it was possible to make cookies from cake mix? I didn't either, until I cam across this recipe on Food.com (formerly RecipeZaar.com). I discovered these cookies about four years ago while browsing the website for some Christmas desserts. 

These cookies have a really high rating and are sure to be a crowd pleaser! 

Not a huge fan of chocolate? Well guess what? You can play around with different varieties of cake mixes and create your own cookie.  For example, you can use yellow cake mix and add in chocolate chips, walnuts, oatmeal, etc, and omit the powdered sugar. 

The ideas are endless!!

Fudge Crinkles

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Great Gift Idea: Homemade Baked Goods

It's time to start thinking about Christmas now that Thanksgiving is over. I've always been the type of person who likes giving gifts to those I love. When they're happy, I'm happy. I tend to make baked goods for friends and family just because, and what better time to do that than Christmas?

I was at Michaels the other day and spotted these adorable tins.  I immediately pictured how perfect Hautties would look arranged in these festive tins.

Baked goods always make a great gift. It's all about the packaging.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mom's Baklava

My mom makes the best baklava in the world.

Baklava is a traditional Greek dessert that uses phyllo dough and is cut into a diamond shape. The other ingredients in this delicate dessert include walnuts, sugar, cinnamon, and butter. The ingedient list is pretty simple, but the mix of flavors really work well together.

The aroma that develops while baklava bakes in the oven is amazing. Think of the scent that arises when you pass by a Cinnabon at the mall. This scent is even better.

Click for more pics!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hautties for Turkey Day

I've been working on my Hautties all day, which is why I am posting so late today. Here are a few pics of what we'll be having tonight!!

I made Chocolate, Funfetti (white cake with sprinkles), and pumpkin.

Bon Appetite!

^^Gobbles Up^^


I am grateful for so many things this year and I want to share that with whoever reads this blog. First and foremost, I would like to thank my family for their unconditional love and support. My mother, father, sister, and brother are my world. I love them more than anything and would not be here today without their support. I love you so much!!!

I would also like to thank my friends for always being there for me. You all mean so much to me and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! Love you guys! You know who you are...

I am also thankful for having a roof over my head, food to eat, an education, a job, and most importantly, health. 

Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you all. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This ad by Nike is straight to the point. It was a billboard featured in NYC a few years ago. I think Nike ads are pretty fantastic. The statement is short, easy to remember, and gets you thinking. That's what ads are all about. Why buy a pair of Nike sneakers? Because you get the feeling of motivation that comes along with a pair of Nike shoes. The ads works.

This quote really stands out to me. I need to start doing what I want this second. No more delays and no more setbacks. How many times have you said to yourself "I'll just start tomorrow." I know I have. Why wait until tomorrow? Why not start right now?

 "Just do it."

Healthy Whole Wheat Pumpkin Bread

Don't let the word healthy scare you! I promise you this pumpkin bread is really good. No one can tell it's made with healthier ingredients!!

This recipe makes me think of one of my best friends, Natalie. We're only ten days apart in age and have known each other our whole lives! She was my first friend ever and she really likes this pumpkin bread.

The recipe is simple and really hard to mess up! It calls for apple sauce, whole wheat flour, and canned pumpkin. These three ingredients are all really healthy, so you shouldn't feel guilty having a slice.

Click below for the recipe and more pics!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Friends and Foreign Films

Yesterday, my friend Nicole had a little gathering at her house. She is such a great entertainer! She served us wine and cheese and these amazing mixed nuts she prepared with a variety of spices. So delicious!! Thanks again, Nicole!!! You truly are a great friend. <3

Everyone brought something to eat for the evening and I decided to go with dessert, naturally. I remember Nicole mentioning she loves pumpkin pie, so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to make it for her! I went with the "OG" recipe: Libby's® Famous Pumpkin Pie. OG stands for original gangster for those of you who don't know street lingo yo! (LOL). The girls who had a slice said they liked it, so I was happy :)

We watched two great movies. "The Secret in Their Eyes" and "dot the i." I honestly preferred the second one and would recommend you all see it!!

 "The language of friendship is not words but meanings" ~Henry David Thoreau~

Monday, November 22, 2010

*.*GO GREEK*.*

My mom's aunt, AKA my unofficial grandmother was over yesterday so we spent some time together, which was nice :)

I had promised I would make here these Greek cookies called Finikia. The texture is a mix of flour and farina (cream of wheat) which is soaked in sweet syrup after baking. They are a far cry from your traditional American cookies, but sometimes, change is good! These delightful cookies are usually made during Christmas.

I sort of created my own recipe. I used a recipe for the actual cookie from Food.com and the syrup recipe from Allrecipes.com.

Get the recipe and more pics after the jump!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fall Hautties

I love the holiday season! Don't you? Thanksgiving is just around the corner, but I made these little Hautties a few weeks ago for a good friend. I just couldn't wait to make fall-themed goodies!

I'm excited to create some really cute Christmas Hautties!! So many ideas, so little time!!!

Please don't forget to VOTE for a flavor you'd like featured on the site!

Click below for more photos!

Lanvin for H&M

I commend all of you in Los Angeles who went out in this pouring rain for the launch of Lanvin for H&M!

I, for one, cannot stand long lines and crowded spaces, let alone in this ridiculous weather.

I'm the type who'd rather wait for Cyber Monday rather than go out shopping on Black Friday.

I can't deny it, there are some pretty cool pieces in the collection.

Here are a few of my favs:

Friday, November 19, 2010

You Can Eat Your Twinkie and Lose Weight Too

If you know me, you know I am one who counts every calorie that goes into my mouth. As someone who has dieted since the tender age of 11, I know the science of how to lose weight. There have been all sorts of fad diets, from counting fat grams, to carbohydrates, and everything in between. All that really matters is how many calories you actually consume per day.

Take it from Professor Mark Haub, who recently put himself on an all junk food diet. He cut his daily intake of 2600 calories down to 1800 calories per day.  That lowered his daily intake by 800 calories, which can make a significant difference for someone trying to lose weight! Two-thirds of his diet consisted of junk food, such as Hostess Twinkies and Little Debbie Zebra Cakes. A protein shake and a small portion of vegetables made up the other one-third of his daily diet.

In a matter of two months, Professor Haub lost 26 pounds! Not amused? Well, he also reduced his body fat and cholesterol levels!

I say Twinkie sales will be going up in the near future...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

James' Birthday

Classy Chocolate Haute Cake

This Past Saturday was my brother's 25th birthday. He likes to refer to it as his quarter life crisis. I get his point though, many of us who have recently graduated from college are stuck trying to figure out what to do with our lives. This recession is definitely not helping. Anyways, that's besides the point. Let's talk Haute Cakes!

P.S. The party was FUN!!! Oh, and my brother is THE BEST! I love you, James!

One of the flavors featured at the party was Classy Chocolate. I can comfortably say it is the most popular flavor.

James and I

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Haute Cakes: The Beginning

Let's get this blog rolling!!! This blog is all about ME and MY interests. Yes, it will mainly focus on baking, specifically Haute Cakes (AKA cake balls). I named them Haute Cakes after spending days brainstorming with my friend Lilly as to what to call these cute little balls of cake. Cake balls just sounds so wrong on so many levels, so we decided to refrain from referring to our precious gems as balls.

Let me give you all a little background about me.  I love baking and I love PR. I am using this blog as a way to write about my passion for baking and also practice my love for PR! I have enjoyed baking my entire life.  I remember watching my mom in awe as she prepared the dough for choureg during Easter. Choureg is a type of sweet bread that is braided and baked to golden perfection.  I always wanted to stick my hands in the dough and help my mom knead it. 

Fast forward about 15 years to present day. I can now make my own treats with my own two hands!!! Yay for me! I love experimenting with different recipes and truly enjoy the art of baking.

Right now, my specialty is the Haute Cake. This blog will feature Haute Cakes frequently, so stay tuned!